Business & Enterprise Development

 One Our Primary Missions is: ‘To improve the well being of the disadvantaged people in the labour market and in business, especially young and older BAMEs. 

Business & Enterprise Development 

  • Business and Enterprise Development Services for new and emerging businesses, including assistance to access funding and technical expertise from the local and national business community.
  • Customized business support and advice to provide assistance in up scaling systems and processes of new and existing businesses
  • Entrepreneurship training and Business Start-up support
  • Connection to local businesses for domestic business opportunities and networking events
  • Coordination of partnerships in order to bridge cultural differences and reduce business/investment risks.
  • Implementing your business plans and managing your operations on the ground.

Strategic Objectives

  • To improve and develop the skills of young BAME people.
  • To support the establishment, development, and economic viability of older people, particularly of BAMEs.
  • To motive and support training and employment initiatives.
  • To work closely with employers to improve access to employment and     career development of BAMEs and others disadvantaged communities in the labour market;
  • To develop skills of elders and older people of BAMEs




Charity Number: 1145439  Company Limited By guarantee: 07324399